Switch-N-Go Standard Subframe Body
The standard subframes allow for specialized equipment upfits and Switch-N-Go compatible solutions.
Simple lightweight design
Reinforced plate
Endless possibilities
High quality zinc prime & powder coated finish
Rail slides w/ no wheels
Sloped front design for guaranteed operation with Switch-N-Go system
Ideal for custom usage upfits

Switch-N-Go WorkReady™ Subframe body
The workready subframes allow for virtually limitless equipment upfit options for your work truck.
Retractable deck legs
Expanded metal side deck
Simple bulkhead for visibility
16,500 lbs. load operation
High quality zinc prime & powder coated finish
Prevents material build-up with expanded metal cut-outs
Non-slip surface with side cut-outs
Switch-N-Go Salt Spreader Subframe Body
The salt spreader subframe body is an 11' subframe with 9" cutout and a custom v-box spreader featuring a 12" angled front extension to allow for improved weight distribution.
Retractable deck legs
Stainless steel v-box spreader
Electric & hydraulic models available
16,500 lbs. load operation
Superior weight distribution as compared to non-specialized upfits
4.8 cubic yard 304 stainless steel v-box
12" angled front extension
9" rear cutout for conveyor
Sloped front design