For homeowners who need to plow long driveways and want to stay warm and dry inside their vehicle. The HomePlow connects with Quick-Link™: an easy-to-use component that slides into a Class 3, 2-inch front receiver hitch. It allows users to control all plow operations from the warmth, comfort and safety of your vehicle. Integrated mounting wheels let you attach or remove the plow in less than a minute, leaving no visible hardware behind.
Blade Widths: 6'8" or 7'6"
Fits: SUVs & Light Pickup Trucks
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MEYER Homeplow Pesonal Plow Specifications
Up, Down, Left, Right...From the Center of Your Driver's Seat
The HomePlow allows users to control all plow operations from the warmth, comfort and safety of their vehicles. The blade and hardware are nearly the same on all versions. There are various options for controlling the plow blade.
*Model/Part #23250 Not Fully Automated
Four Models Available
GOOD - HomePlow Basic
1) Electric Lift
The HomePlow Basic is an 18" tall economical plow for the person that wants to move snow quicker than other snow removal methods. The up/down motion of the moldboard is controlled by an electric power unit that is activated by a wireless key fob. The right/left motion of the plow is controlled by the HomePlow's patented Auto-Angling system. Requires assembly with common tools. Model/Part #23250 (6′ 8″ moldboard)

BETTER - Pre-Assembled HomePlow (on wheels)
2) Electrically-Powered Lift with Wireless Control & Auto-Angle
The up/down motion of the 22" tall moldboard is controlled by an electric power unit that is activated by a wireless key fob. The right/left motion of the plow is controlled by the HomePlow's patented Auto-Angling system. Unlike other snowplows, there is no need to manually adjust the blade. Model/Part #24000 (6′ 8″ moldboard)

BEST - The Full-Powered HomePlow
3) Full Hydraulic Power
For people who want full remote control of all functions, this hydraulically operated version of the HomePlow is controlled by a hydraulic power unit that directs both the up/down and right/left motion of the 22" tall blade. With full power control, the driver can move the blade in the desired direction with just a push of a button. This popular version of the HomePlow is the most like a traditional commercial snowplow. Model/Part #26000 (6′ 8″ moldboard)

4) Full Hydraulic Power: Blade Length - 7'6"
For people who want full remote control of all functions, this hydraulically operated version of the HomePlow is controlled by a hydraulic power unit that directs both the up/down and right/left motion of the blade. With full power control, the driver can move the 22" tall blade in the desired direction with just a push of a button. This popular version of the HomePlow features a 7'6" blade length and is the most like a traditional commercial snowplow. Model/Part #26500 (7′ 6″ moldboard for 1/2-ton vehicles)

Motor | Electric or Hydraulic |
Blade Width | 6 ft 8 in or 7 ft 6 in |
Power Angling | Yes or No |